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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):53



cqs,全稱continuous quality supervision,即持續(xù)質(zhì)量監(jiān)控,是一個關(guān)鍵的企業(yè)管理崗位,主要負責確保公司的產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)及業(yè)務(wù)流程始終維持在高標準的質(zhì)量水平。cqs專員是這個領(lǐng)域的專家,他們通過系統(tǒng)的監(jiān)測、評估和改進措施,確保企業(yè)各項活動的質(zhì)量可控和持續(xù)優(yōu)化。


1. 具備深厚的品質(zhì)管理知識,熟悉iso質(zhì)量管理體系和其他相關(guān)標準。

2. 精通數(shù)據(jù)分析,能夠從大量數(shù)據(jù)中發(fā)現(xiàn)問題并提出解決方案。

3. 優(yōu)秀的溝通技巧,能協(xié)調(diào)各部門以推動質(zhì)量改進計劃。

4. 強烈的責任心和問題解決能力,能在壓力下保持冷靜并迅速響應(yīng)。

5. 對業(yè)務(wù)流程有深入理解,能識別潛在的質(zhì)量風險。

6. 熟練使用質(zhì)量管理工具,如spc(統(tǒng)計過程控制)、fmea(失效模式與效應(yīng)分析)等。





1. 制定和維護質(zhì)量管理體系:包括編寫和更新質(zhì)量手冊、程序文件和作業(yè)指導書。

2. 數(shù)據(jù)分析與報告:收集、分析質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù),生成報告,揭示潛在問題和改進機會。

3. 過程審計:對生產(chǎn)和服務(wù)流程進行定期審計,檢查合規(guī)性并提出改善措施。

4. 培訓與指導:為員工提供質(zhì)量管理培訓,提高全員質(zhì)量意識。

5. 問題解決:調(diào)查質(zhì)量問題,制定糾正和預防措施,跟蹤效果直至問題關(guān)閉。

6. 合作與協(xié)調(diào):與供應(yīng)商、客戶及其他利益相關(guān)者保持良好溝通,確保質(zhì)量要求得到滿足。

7. 項目質(zhì)量管理:參與項目管理,確保項目交付物的質(zhì)量符合預期。

8. 持續(xù)改進:推動pdca(計劃-執(zhí)行-檢查-行動)循環(huán),實現(xiàn)質(zhì)量體系的持續(xù)改進。



第1篇 cqs崗位職責

客戶質(zhì)量支持主管 cqs supervisor-hangzhou autoliv 奧托立夫(上海)管理有限公司,autoliv,奧托立夫 服務(wù)地址:




工作職責及內(nèi)容 responsibilities:

1) responsible for own cqs job requirements

1) 負責自己的客服工作要求

2) 指定地區(qū)(一個或者多個城市)客服人員團隊的管理工作和職責管理

2) responsible for the management and responsibility of cqs team in one or more designated cities

3) 負責指定區(qū)域的客服日常管理工作和業(yè)績評價

3) responsible for daily management and performance appraisal of cqss in designated areas

-檢查客服人員的考勤 check on work attendance

-核查工作量,合理調(diào)節(jié)工作安排 review work load, reasonably adjust work arrangement

-定期業(yè)績評價 regularly performance appraisal

4) 具備培訓和教導駐外顧客質(zhì)量支持人員的資格, 使其能勝任此職, 提升技能.

4) has qualification to train and coach other cqss and make him/her to take this job competently, increase skill as well.

5) 和客戶建立和維護良好的工作關(guān)系,定期走訪客戶質(zhì)量和物流人員,定期開展顧客滿意度調(diào)查,反饋顧客聲音/期望給工廠和管理層。

5) create and maintain good relationship with customer, regularly visit customer quality and logistic people, do regular customer satisfaction survey, feedback customer voice/ e_pectation to plant and management.

6) 每月帶領(lǐng)其他客服人員,對市場售后三包索賠件進行初步分析,可以當場申訴的,起草申訴報告向客戶申訴;需要進一步分析的,返回工廠分析。

6) monthly lead other cqss to do primary analysis for warranty parts, if it can be appealed, make the appeal report and submit to customer for appeal. if it need to do further analysis, return the parts to plant.

7) 支持新項目在客戶處順利量產(chǎn)的支持,如裝車節(jié)點的現(xiàn)場參與,積極反饋信息給項目組。

7) support new project launch in customer site, like participate in customer assembly milestone, feedback the information to project team.

8) 對于客戶scorecard方面的影響,支持其他cqs和客戶進行協(xié)商溝通,使其影響到最小。

8) for the customers influence on scorecard, support other cqs to negotiate and communicate with the customer to minimize the impact.

9) 協(xié)助直線經(jīng)理,對流程進行改造,標準化的制訂,使團隊達成目標.

9) assist line manager to do improvement on cqs work flow and standard creation, make team to achieve the target.

10) 協(xié)助上級經(jīng)理布置的任務(wù)。

10) support other tasks assigned by line manager

質(zhì)量/環(huán)境/安全職責 duties of quality and environment & occupational health & safety:

1) 了解公司質(zhì)量環(huán)境安全方針,遵守和執(zhí)行公司管理體系文件規(guī)定;

1) understand company policy, compliance with company requirement;

2) 了解并遵守工作相關(guān)的法律法規(guī);

2) understand and abide by rule during work;

3) 了解工作范圍的危險源和控制方法。

3) understand the hazard resource and control method during work.

4) 了解顧客質(zhì)量環(huán)境安全政策,遵守和執(zhí)行顧客要求;

4) understand customer quality/ehs policy, compliance with customer requirement.

崗位需求 job requirements:

1) 機械專業(yè)或汽車專業(yè)本科以上學歷。有汽車行業(yè)技術(shù)背景更佳。

1) bachelor degree or above on mechanical or automobile professional.a technical background especially in the automotive sector is a plus.

2) 3年以上汽車行業(yè)客戶溝通和合作經(jīng)驗

2) three years automotive industry e_perience in customer communication and cooperation

3) 有相關(guān)質(zhì)量工作經(jīng)驗, 熟悉ford的特殊要求

3) related to the quality of work e_perience, familiar with ford special requirement

4) 有問題解決的技能

4) problem solving skill

5) 知曉并能運用質(zhì)量工具和統(tǒng)計方法

5) know and can apply quality tool and statistic method


6) strong skills of coordination and communication

7) 有較強的自主性和自學能力

7) self-motivated and strong self-learning capability

8) 較強的英語口語及書寫能力,熟練掌握計算機操作

8) fluent in both oral and written english as well as good skills of computer application.

9) 能適應(yīng)經(jīng)常出差

9) willing to travel for business frequently.

10) 有良好的團隊合作精神

10) teamwork spirit.

第2篇 cqs客服崗位職責


第3篇 cqs質(zhì)量崗位職責

客戶質(zhì)量支持主管 cqs supervisor-hangzhou autoliv 奧托立夫(上海)管理有限公司,autoliv,奧托立夫 服務(wù)地址:




工作職責及內(nèi)容 responsibilities:

1) responsible for own cqs job requirements

1) 負責自己的客服工作要求

2) 指定地區(qū)(一個或者多個城市)客服人員團隊的管理工作和職責管理

2) responsible for the management and responsibility of cqs team in one or more designated cities

3) 負責指定區(qū)域的客服日常管理工作和業(yè)績評價

3) responsible for daily management and performance appraisal of cqss in designated areas

-檢查客服人員的考勤 check on work attendance

-核查工作量,合理調(diào)節(jié)工作安排 review work load, reasonably adjust work arrangement

-定期業(yè)績評價 regularly performance appraisal

4) 具備培訓和教導駐外顧客質(zhì)量支持人員的資格, 使其能勝任此職, 提升技能.

4) has qualification to train and coach other cqss and make him/her to take this job competently, increase skill as well.

5) 和客戶建立和維護良好的工作關(guān)系,定期走訪客戶質(zhì)量和物流人員,定期開展顧客滿意度調(diào)查,反饋顧客聲音/期望給工廠和管理層。

5) create and maintain good relationship with customer, regularly visit customer quality and logistic people, do regular customer satisfaction survey, feedback customer voice/ e_pectation to plant and management.

6) 每月帶領(lǐng)其他客服人員,對市場售后三包索賠件進行初步分析,可以當場申訴的,起草申訴報告向客戶申訴;需要進一步分析的,返回工廠分析。

6) monthly lead other cqss to do primary analysis for warranty parts, if it can be appealed, make the appeal report and submit to customer for appeal. if it need to do further analysis, return the parts to plant.

7) 支持新項目在客戶處順利量產(chǎn)的支持,如裝車節(jié)點的現(xiàn)場參與,積極反饋信息給項目組。

7) support new project launch in customer site, like participate in customer assembly milestone, feedback the information to project team.

8) 對于客戶scorecard方面的影響,支持其他cqs和客戶進行協(xié)商溝通,使其影響到最小。

8) for the customers influence on scorecard, support other cqs to negotiate and communicate with the customer to minimize the impact.

9) 協(xié)助直線經(jīng)理,對流程進行改造,標準化的制訂,使團隊達成目標.

9) assist line manager to do improvement on cqs work flow and standard creation, make team to achieve the target.

10) 協(xié)助上級經(jīng)理布置的任務(wù)。

10) support other tasks assigned by line manager

質(zhì)量/環(huán)境/安全職責 duties of quality and environment & occupational health & safety:

1) 了解公司質(zhì)量環(huán)境安全方針,遵守和執(zhí)行公司管理體系文件規(guī)定;

1) understand company policy, compliance with company requirement;

2) 了解并遵守工作相關(guān)的法律法規(guī);

2) understand and abide by rule during work;

3) 了解工作范圍的危險源和控制方法。

3) understand the hazard resource and control method during work.

4) 了解顧客質(zhì)量環(huán)境安全政策,遵守和執(zhí)行顧客要求;

4) understand customer quality/ehs policy, compliance with customer requirement.

崗位需求 job requirements:

1) 機械專業(yè)或汽車專業(yè)本科以上學歷。有汽車行業(yè)技術(shù)背景更佳。

1) bachelor degree or above on mechanical or automobile professional.a technical background especially in the automotive sector is a plus.

2) 3年以上汽車行業(yè)客戶溝通和合作經(jīng)驗

2) three years automotive industry e_perience in customer communication and cooperation

3) 有相關(guān)質(zhì)量工作經(jīng)驗, 熟悉ford的特殊要求

3) related to the quality of work e_perience, familiar with ford special requirement

4) 有問題解決的技能

4) problem solving skill

5) 知曉并能運用質(zhì)量工具和統(tǒng)計方法

5) know and can apply quality tool and statistic method


6) strong skills of coordination and communication

7) 有較強的自主性和自學能力

7) self-motivated and strong self-learning capability

8) 較強的英語口語及書寫能力,熟練掌握計算機操作

8) fluent in both oral and written english as well as good skills of computer application.

9) 能適應(yīng)經(jīng)常出差

9) willing to travel for business frequently.

10) 有良好的團隊合作精神

10) teamwork spirit.

第4篇 cqs客服工程師崗位職責


第5篇 cqs客戶崗位職責

客戶質(zhì)量支持主管 cqs supervisor-hangzhou autoliv 奧托立夫(上海)管理有限公司,autoliv,奧托立夫 服務(wù)地址:




工作職責及內(nèi)容 responsibilities:

1) responsible for own cqs job requirements

1) 負責自己的客服工作要求

2) 指定地區(qū)(一個或者多個城市)客服人員團隊的管理工作和職責管理

2) responsible for the management and responsibility of cqs team in one or more designated cities

3) 負責指定區(qū)域的客服日常管理工作和業(yè)績評價

3) responsible for daily management and performance appraisal of cqss in designated areas

-檢查客服人員的考勤 check on work attendance

-核查工作量,合理調(diào)節(jié)工作安排 review work load, reasonably adjust work arrangement

-定期業(yè)績評價 regularly performance appraisal

4) 具備培訓和教導駐外顧客質(zhì)量支持人員的資格, 使其能勝任此職, 提升技能.

4) has qualification to train and coach other cqss and make him/her to take this job competently, increase skill as well.

5) 和客戶建立和維護良好的工作關(guān)系,定期走訪客戶質(zhì)量和物流人員,定期開展顧客滿意度調(diào)查,反饋顧客聲音/期望給工廠和管理層。

5) create and maintain good relationship with customer, regularly visit customer quality and logistic people, do regular customer satisfaction survey, feedback customer voice/ e_pectation to plant and management.

6) 每月帶領(lǐng)其他客服人員,對市場售后三包索賠件進行初步分析,可以當場申訴的,起草申訴報告向客戶申訴;需要進一步分析的,返回工廠分析。

6) monthly lead other cqss to do primary analysis for warranty parts, if it can be appealed, make the appeal report and submit to customer for appeal. if it need to do further analysis, return the parts to plant.

7) 支持新項目在客戶處順利量產(chǎn)的支持,如裝車節(jié)點的現(xiàn)場參與,積極反饋信息給項目組。

7) support new project launch in customer site, like participate in customer assembly milestone, feedback the information to project team.

8) 對于客戶scorecard方面的影響,支持其他cqs和客戶進行協(xié)商溝通,使其影響到最小。

8) for the customers influence on scorecard, support other cqs to negotiate and communicate with the customer to minimize the impact.

9) 協(xié)助直線經(jīng)理,對流程進行改造,標準化的制訂,使團隊達成目標.

9) assist line manager to do improvement on cqs work flow and standard creation, make team to achieve the target.

10) 協(xié)助上級經(jīng)理布置的任務(wù)。

10) support other tasks assigned by line manager

質(zhì)量/環(huán)境/安全職責 duties of quality and environment & occupational health & safety:

1) 了解公司質(zhì)量環(huán)境安全方針,遵守和執(zhí)行公司管理體系文件規(guī)定;

1) understand company policy, compliance with company requirement;

2) 了解并遵守工作相關(guān)的法律法規(guī);

2) understand and abide by rule during work;

3) 了解工作范圍的危險源和控制方法。

3) understand the hazard resource and control method during work.

4) 了解顧客質(zhì)量環(huán)境安全政策,遵守和執(zhí)行顧客要求;

4) understand customer quality/ehs policy, compliance with customer requirement.

崗位需求 job requirements:

1) 機械專業(yè)或汽車專業(yè)本科以上學歷。有汽車行業(yè)技術(shù)背景更佳。

1) bachelor degree or above on mechanical or automobile professional.a technical background especially in the automotive sector is a plus.

2) 3年以上汽車行業(yè)客戶溝通和合作經(jīng)驗

2) three years automotive industry e_perience in customer communication and cooperation

3) 有相關(guān)質(zhì)量工作經(jīng)驗, 熟悉ford的特殊要求

3) related to the quality of work e_perience, familiar with ford special requirement

4) 有問題解決的技能

4) problem solving skill

5) 知曉并能運用質(zhì)量工具和統(tǒng)計方法

5) know and can apply quality tool and statistic method


6) strong skills of coordination and communication

7) 有較強的自主性和自學能力

7) self-motivated and strong self-learning capability

8) 較強的英語口語及書寫能力,熟練掌握計算機操作

8) fluent in both oral and written english as well as good skills of computer application.

9) 能適應(yīng)經(jīng)常出差

9) willing to travel for business frequently.

10) 有良好的團隊合作精神

10) teamwork spirit.

第6篇 客戶質(zhì)量主管 lead cqs & china cqm(beijing)崗位職責描述崗位要求



1) 負責自己的cqs工作要求 , 原則是 “working cqs”

responsible for own cqs job requirements. principle is “working cqs”

2)直線向地區(qū)的質(zhì)量管理層報告。將cqs成本 (員工人數(shù)和出差費用等)管理到較低或可接受的水平。

reports solid line to division quality management. manage the cqs costs (headcount and travel) to lower and acceptable levels.


manages cqs team in one or more designated cities, and coordinates with the manufacturing plants.


responsible for daily management and performance appraisal of cqss in designated areas

-檢查客服人員的考勤 check on work attendance

-核查工作量,合理調(diào)節(jié)工作安排 review work load, reasonably adjust work arrangement

-逐步升級和責任心 escalation and accountability

-定期業(yè)績評價 regularly performance appraisal

5)具備培訓和教導駐外客戶質(zhì)量支持人員的資格, 使其能勝任此職, 提升技能.

has qualification to train and coach other cqss and make him/her to take this job competently, increase skill as well.


customer interface follow-up regarding on-time responsiveness and quality of response with focus on major customer issued problem solving requests.


create and maintain good relationship with customer, regularly visit customer quality and logistic people, do regular customer satisfaction survey, feedback customer voice/ e_pectation to plant and management.

- 在如下兩個極端情況之間,管理顧客滿意度達到適當?shù)乃絤anage the customer satisfaction to the right level between the two e_tremes:

a.最小的客戶升級 minimal customer escalations

b.高水平的客戶滿意度high level of customer satisfaction


lead cqs team to do warranty primary analysis at customer warranty center, feedback the result to plant cqe. support cqm to coordinate warranty improvement and monitor warranty related emerging concerns.


if it can be appealed, make the appeal report and submit to customer for appeal.if it need to do further analysis, return the parts to plant timely.


as needed and as available - supports new project launch and monitors the quality of the launches at customer., i.e. participate in customer assembly milestone, feedback information to project team.


for the customers influence on scorecard, support other cqs to negotiate and communicate with the customer to minimize the impact.

12)在指定區(qū)域的客戶處,支持海外業(yè)務(wù)相關(guān)的質(zhì)量問題的解決。supports oversea business related quality issues solving which occurred in the designated oem location.


assist line manager to do improvement on cqs work flow and standard creation, make team to achieve the target.


support other tasks assigned by line manager.

b. cqm dimension區(qū)域cqm維度


take divisional cqm role which defined oem.


reports dotted line to the business unit as divisional cqm role which defined oem, and supports global cqm


champion of customer supplier ratings on quality and delivery. fluent in customer portal/databases


participates in monthly e_ecutive review of customer scorecard ratings.

19)具備客戶特殊要求的全部知識,并根據(jù)區(qū)域的cqm, cqe和cqs 的培訓,使組織開展工作。 提供審核要求。

has entire knowledge of customer specific quality requirements and makes the organization work accordingly with training of divisional cqm, cqe and cqs. provides audit requirements.


champions and train for as066 implementation .


represents autoliv management level on customer demand in quality issues, for e_ample high level meetings, customer’s critical concern committee etc.


1)three years automotive industry e_perience in customer communication and cooperation

2)familiar with related customers (daimler) specific requirements, can meet customer e_pectation

3)well trained customer process (ppap, scorecard and warranty) & can start work promptly;

4)has good relationship with customer and deal with events with proactive attitude;

5)problem solving skill, know and can apply quality tool and statistic method;

6)familiar with iatf16949, vda6.3, biqs, apqp, ppap, fmea, spc, msa.




  • cqs崗位職責6篇
  • cqs崗位職責6篇53人關(guān)注

    崗位職責是什么cqs,全稱continuousqualitysupervision,即持續(xù)質(zhì)量監(jiān)控,是一個關(guān)鍵的企業(yè)管理崗位,主要負責確保公司的產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)及業(yè)務(wù)流程始終維持在高標準的質(zhì)量水 ...[更多]
