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更新時間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):17





1. 具備深厚的汽車行業(yè)知識,了解市場趨勢和技術發(fā)展。

2. 熟悉供應鏈管理流程,包括采購、庫存控制和物流管理。

3. 具備良好的談判技巧,能與供應商建立穩(wěn)固的合作關系。

4. 能夠分析成本結構,優(yōu)化采購策略,實現(xiàn)成本效益最大化。

5. 強烈的質量意識,確保供應商提供的產品符合嚴格的質量標準。

6. 具備項目管理能力,能夠協(xié)調多項目并有效解決突發(fā)問題。

7. 良好的溝通能力,能有效處理內部團隊和外部供應商的溝通。

8. 對法規(guī)和行業(yè)標準有深入了解,確保合規(guī)運營。



1. 供應商選擇與評估:尋找潛在供應商,進行資質審核,評估其生產能力、質量控制體系和技術能力。

2. 合同談判與簽訂:與選定的供應商協(xié)商價格、交貨期、質量條款,并簽訂合同。

3. 供應鏈監(jiān)控:跟蹤供應商的性能,確保按時交貨,同時監(jiān)控產品質量,必要時采取糾正措施。

4. 庫存管理:根據(jù)生產需求預測,合理安排庫存,避免過度庫存或缺貨情況。

5. 關系維護:定期與供應商溝通,解決合作中出現(xiàn)的問題,提升合作關系。

6. 成本控制:通過優(yōu)化采購策略,降低采購成本,同時確保供應商的利潤空間以維持長期合作。

7. 風險管理:識別并應對供應鏈中的潛在風險,如供應中斷、價格波動等。


1. 新品開發(fā)支持:參與新產品開發(fā),與研發(fā)團隊共同確定零部件規(guī)格,確保供應商能滿足新設計要求。

2. 質量改進項目:推動供應商進行質量改進,參與8d報告或其他質量問題解決流程。

3. 供應商審核:定期對供應商進行現(xiàn)場審核,確保其持續(xù)符合質量管理體系要求。

4. 供應鏈優(yōu)化:探索新的供應鏈模式,如多源供應、區(qū)域化采購等,以提高靈活性和響應速度。

5. 危機管理:制定應急計劃,應對供應商突然的產能下降或質量事故,確保生產不受影響。

6. 培訓與指導:向內部團隊提供供應商管理知識培訓,提升整個組織的供應鏈管理水平。



第1篇 汽車供應商質量崗位職責

汽車外資企業(yè)供應商質量經理 scope/supervision and interaction:

position typically reports to the sourcing manager for the division. will work with the internal staff and outside suppliers, vendors and customers. must have the ability to deal with people at a cross-functional level. position requires the ability to effectively communicate in oral and written form in order to present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, suppliers, customers and the general public.

job responsibility:

1. establishes and maintains a supplier quality system that is effective in producing,

measuring and maintaining a supply base measured by dppm / rppm, as well as

delivery performance.

2. manage supplier quality performance and reporting, monthly quality reports and

quarterly supplier reviews.

3. ensures compliance to procedures and requirements outlined in the supplier

quality manual. revises and implements changes as required, and partners with

the supplier base to roll out these changes for implementation at the suppliers location.

4.participates in supplier reviews and provides input to the purchasing/buyer,

quality and engineering departments, regarding to supplier quality. performs

supplier quality system initial audits and surveillance audits as required.

5. ensures reliability and accuracy of products provided by the supply base.

6. ensures that disposition of nonconforming material is handled in a timely

manner. addresses deficiencies in the suppliers performance rating as it relates to

quality, performance and delivery. issues follow-up reports and corrective action

reports and provides follow up and closure of nonconformance issues.

7. coordinates with suppliers all initiatives relating to supplier quality

performance. tracks performance trends and performs quality trend analysis from

supplier base and facilitates corrective actions as appropriate.

8. leads supplier development activities for dock-to-stock program.

9. utilizes lean manufacturing, error proofing and continuous improvement initiatives

to support the supplier base by assisting in development of robust processes that

assures quality products and services.

10. provides support to customers relative to supply based issues.


1. bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related discipline;

2. more than 8 years quality related e_perience, e_perience in automotive or other regulated industry is preferred.

3. e_perience in quality engineering and process/manufacturing engineering is a must.

4. thorough knowledge of quality inspection and quality engineering/assurance techniques, procedures, instruments, equipment, theories, principles and concepts and general business operations.

5. must have ability to effectively solve problems, assess and implement continuous improvement techniques to quality and manufacturing functions, to use standard business applications software and/or specialized data analysis tools, to establish goals and objectives to complete projects, and to define problems, collect data, establish facts and draw valid conclusions.

6. ability to work independently, think analytically, and apply methodical, engineering problem solving skills required.

7. prefer at least two of the following certifications: iso lead auditor certification, asq certification, si_ sigma green/black belt certification, and/or iso internal auditor certification.

8. proficiency in verbal and written english.

9. e_perience in mnc is preferred.

scope/supervision and interaction:

position typically reports to the sourcing manager for the division. will work with the internal staff and outside suppliers, vendors and customers. must have the ability to deal with people at a cross-functional level. position requires the ability to effectively communicate in oral and written form in order to present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, suppliers, customers and the general public.

job responsibility:

1. establishes and maintains a supplier quality system that is effective in producing,

measuring and maintaining a supply base measured by dppm / rppm, as well as

delivery performance.

2. manage supplier quality performance and reporting, monthly quality reports and

quarterly supplier reviews.

3. ensures compliance to procedures and requirements outlined in the supplier

quality manual. revises and implements changes as required, and partners with

the supplier base to roll out these changes for implementation at the suppliers location.

4.participates in supplier reviews and provides input to the purchasing/buyer,

quality and engineering departments, regarding to supplier quality. performs

supplier quality system initial audits and surveillance audits as required.

5. ensures reliability and accuracy of products provided by the supply base.

6. ensures that disposition of nonconforming material is handled in a timely

manner. addresses deficiencies in the suppliers performance rating as it relates to

quality, performance and delivery. issues follow-up reports and corrective action

reports and provides follow up and closure of nonconformance issues.

7. coordinates with suppliers all initiatives relating to supplier quality

performance. tracks performance trends and performs quality trend analysis from

supplier base and facilitates corrective actions as appropriate.

8. leads supplier development activities for dock-to-stock program.

9. utilizes lean manufacturing, error proofing and continuous improvement initiatives

to support the supplier base by assisting in development of robust processes that

assures quality products and services.

10. provides support to customers relative to supply based issues.


1. bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related discipline;

2. more than 8 years quality related e_perience, e_perience in automotive or other regulated industry is preferred.

3. e_perience in quality engineering and process/manufacturing engineering is a must.

4. thorough knowledge of quality inspection and quality engineering/assurance techniques, procedures, instruments, equipment, theories, principles and concepts and general business operations.

5. must have ability to effectively solve problems, assess and implement continuous improvement techniques to quality and manufacturing functions, to use standard business applications software and/or specialized data analysis tools, to establish goals and objectives to complete projects, and to define problems, collect data, establish facts and draw valid conclusions.

6. ability to work independently, think analytically, and apply methodical, engineering problem solving skills required.

7. prefer at least two of the following certifications: iso lead auditor certification, asq certification, si_ sigma green/black belt certification, and/or iso internal auditor certification.

8. proficiency in verbal and written english.

9. e_perience in mnc is preferred.

第2篇 汽車供應商崗位職責

客戶經理 上海懌星電子科技有限公司 上海懌星電子科技有限公司,懌星電子,懌星科技,懌星 工作內容:

1. 面向汽車行業(yè)客戶(整車廠、整車廠研發(fā)中心,汽車產業(yè)一級供應商等),根據(jù)公司業(yè)務戰(zhàn)略及客戶情況,制定銷售策略及方案;

2. 熟練掌握公司相關產品及方案,按解決方案銷售策略開展工作,包括拜訪客戶、挖掘業(yè)務需求、提供方案建議、投標報價、商務談判、簽訂合同等;

3. 負責銷售合同的履約跟蹤(交付,驗收,回款等),協(xié)調客戶與公司其他業(yè)務部門之間的合作;

4. 負責搜集產業(yè)及客戶的動態(tài)訊息,開拓目標客戶及業(yè)務,建立與維護良性的客戶合作關系;

5. 做好客戶管理工作,建立客戶檔案,并維護優(yōu)質客戶中長期關系;

6. 負責客戶問題或投訴的反饋、跟蹤及處理,不斷提升組織客戶服務質量;

7. 完成公司分配的其他相關工作任務。


1. 全日制統(tǒng)招本科及以上學歷,車輛工程、機械電子、通信工程、計算機、自動化、測控等相關專業(yè);

2. 2年以上汽車行業(yè)市場營銷或者技術支持相關工作經驗,熟悉汽車電子開發(fā)流程并具備相關工作經驗者優(yōu)先;

3. 具有敏銳的銷售意識,具備一定的市場營銷知識與技能;

4. 具備較強的邏輯思維能力以及優(yōu)秀的溝通談判能力,擅長信息搜集與處理;

5. 有一定的英語語言基礎,具有cet-4或同等資質;

6. 較強的責任心、內驅力和抗壓能力,可適應經常出差。




  • 汽車供應商崗位職責匯編(2篇)
  • 汽車供應商崗位職責匯編(2篇)17人關注

    崗位職責是什么汽車供應商崗位是供應鏈管理中的關鍵角色,負責為汽車制造商提供高質量的零部件和材料,確保生產流程的順暢進行。此崗位需要與多個部門緊密協(xié)作,從產品 ...[更多]
