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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-10-05 15:00:04 查看人數(shù):2


第1篇 留學(xué)畢業(yè)生家長(zhǎng)代表發(fā)言稿(中英文)


esteemed members of the faculty, parents and dear students,

大家上午好! 我是xx的家長(zhǎng),也是夢(mèng)沃第一屆家委會(huì)主席,非常高興能和孩子們一起經(jīng)歷畢業(yè)典禮。我想各位家長(zhǎng)和我一樣,除了激動(dòng),還無比感恩!在此向各位校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、任課老師、后勤老師,包括我們的每一位門衛(wèi)師傅表示感謝,謝謝您們!

good morning! i am xx’s mom and also the first chairwoman of the parent committee of montverde academy shanghai. it is a great pleasure to be here to witness your commencement. i think, today, all the parents here are very excited and also very grateful, just as i am. hereby, on behalf of all the parents, i’d love to extend my gratitude to all the mva leadership, teachers and support staff including our dedicated janitors. thank you! thank you all!


young men and young ladies, today is a day of celebration and a day of thanks. it marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. soon, you will start your journey of studying abroad. apart from giving you my congratulations and best wishes, i’d like to ask you one question: are you ready for your dream?


now i want to share with you some of my stories studying in the united kingdom. at that time, my english was not good enough to get a pretty ielts score. i only got 5, unable to be enrolled in a graduate school, and had to study the language for one extra year. because of that extra year, i ran out of money and had to take on part-time jobs. incessant part-time jobs. by day, i had to pick up several part-time roles, waitress, cleaner, baby-sitter and so on, which was very exhausting. by night, i had to study the language and try my best to memorize new words. there was a time when i felt very lonely and thought that life was difficult.


to better adapt myself to the new conditions, every day i got up at five o’clock for a morning jog to keep fit and closed my last part-time job around 11 o’clock at night. i became highly self-disciplined and rescheduled my work and study. gradually, i regained my positive attitude and became healthier.


looking back on that period of time, i’ve learned that whatever life puts you through, you can always choose joy and meaning by taking positive actions and starting from the present. later in life, i have inevitably encountered various difficulties and challenges, like unemployment and short of money at 34 years old when i came back to shanghai from abroad, and so on and so forth. it is because of that difficult time in the uk that i can actively handle these later challenges in my life in a composed way.


i’m sharing this with you not in the hopes that you can know the various inevitable difficulties ahead of you, but in the hopes that you can understand hope and strength are the light within us that can never be extinguished. i hope that you’ll live each day happily and fully. i hope that you are grateful for each breath you take and that you are grateful for life itself.


this year, we can’t wait to see how you all turn out. and all of us are very proud of what you have achieved.


in the meantime, i want you to remember that no matter how high you will fly, please do not forget that it is montverde academy that gives you wings. do come back from time to time to visit your alma mater.


2022 graduates, congratulations and fly high!

第2篇 畢業(yè)生家長(zhǎng)中英文發(fā)言稿





dear leaders, teachers and parents,

dear students,

ladies and gentlemen,

good afternoon!


i’m lu ming. myson, lu yanbin, is a graduate student of iems program.as are presentative of the parents, i feel greatly honored and proud to take part inthe grand graduation ceremony and to be standing here to share our happiness!


at this solemn and festive moment, i’d like to, on behalf of all the parents here, express my highest respects, honors and heart-felt thanks to all the hard-working and selfless leaders and teachers both in german and chinese universities. thank you for your cultivation and guidance for our children during the past four years with which they can start a new life journey now.


in the meantime,i’m also willing to express my sincere congratulations and best wishes to all the students. you have successfully finished your study here with your hardwork. congratulations again!


i still remember the happiest and most exciting moment when my son received the letter of admission four years ago, not only because my son would study here, one of the most famous universities in shanghai, but also because i had studied international mba program here too. suibe is also my alma mater.


as one of the parents concerning the development of the university, we are really glad that the university and iems program are constantly converging resources of goodquality. with the exploration and innovation in such aspects as teaching staff,curriculum settings and cultivating mode, the university has provided favorable studying conditions and growth environment where the children have spent four years there studying happily and diligently. specialized courses are taught in english by both german and chinese teachers, which have equipped the students with international horizons.


we are glad to see our children have grown up, from immature to mature, from ingenuous towise. their study and life in this university will be carved in their hearts,which may become a driving force for them to strive and to end eavor. they will reward the teachers and the university with their outstanding achievements.


dear classmates,here, as a father, an alumnus, a senior, on behalf of all the parents, i want to tell you that the graduation ceremony today not only means the end of your life in university, but also means the start of your new life stage. you have gone out of the university with enclosure and you have stepped into a social university without any enclosure.


you should know clearly that in your life forward, there are not only flowers and applauses,but also hardships and setbacks. you may enjoy the pleasure of success, and you may also experience the pain of failure. i hope you could help each other and promote your steps, as you had been doing in the past four years. i also hope you could keep learning — learning from others and learning from the society.i’m sure you will improve yourselves and make a new life with knowledge and your talents to realize your life value.


finally,please allow me to give my best wishes to shanghai university of international business and economics. wish iems program be a cradle of brilliant talents. wish all the teachers good health and wish everything go well with your work. wish all the students every success and a brighter future!thank you! thank you all!




good afternoon, dear teachers, leaders, parents and my lovely classmates.


i’m li haiwei from iems class 2. today, it’s absolutely a great honor for me todeliver this speech on such a meaningful ceremony here, as the representative of all our iems 2022 graduates.


firstof all, please allow me, on behalf of all our graduates, to express the sincerestgratitude and respect to every professor, teacher and faculty leader who alwayspay close attention to our development as well as give us helping hands wheneverwe need. because of your cultivation and instruction, we got our wonderful collegelife in these four years. at the same time, i want to show gratitude to all ofour parents whether you are present today or not, also on behalf of allgraduates. only with your most solid support, we could experience our four-year comfortable campus life here in suibe.


howtime flies! it’s now the forth summer that we spent together.


on sept. 1st, 2022, the bright sunshine on that day is still in mind,clear and deep. that special day may be the last time for many of my classmates to become freshmen in their whole lifetime. from all around china, each of us came to the university that we have made efforts to enter for over 10 years, with everyone’s own yearn for the past and longing for the future. from theunfamiliarity of the first met, the unity of military training, to thefriendliness of class activities, we, as freshmen, became closer and closer toeach other under the catalysis of time, even without our notice. witnessed our‘shanghai institute of foreign trade’ being renamed ‘shanghai university ofinternational business and economics’, we entered the second year here with lessnaivety, and started to seek the proper way out for the future. in the meantime, facing the heavier and heavier double pressure from academic work andsociety, our personal qualities and abilities were improving imperceptibly. in the third year, although we were busier and busier, there was determinationinstead of confusion in our eyes. moving forward on the way of chasing dreams,we inevitably tasted the bitterness and happiness of life. whatever setbacks wemet, we tried to struggle and face them positively. in sept. 2022, with the orientation of the newest freshmen, we finally became the senior here oncampus. i always feel that it is the fastest year that i have ever experienced.it seems that the first second all of us were still fighting for dream schoolsor jobs, the next second we are here almost ready to step out of the campus,waving hands to say goodbye. the once imagined long but colorful universitylife has almost changed into memory at this very moment.


today,when walking on campus, maybe you want to have a meal in school canteen again,perhaps you can still remember the flourishing look of the trees in front of the information building, or it is probable that you want to run for the last time along the routine of morning jogging. but, what i can confirm is that all of our graduates here can never forget our fixed classroom sd408, can never forget the so many presentations we have done on our german professors’ classes and the better and better performance of ourselves, and, of course, can never forget the time we spent writing bachelor thesis in the library as well as the memorable feeling of extremely nervous when waiting for the oral defense. because we are all named iemser 2022, and all of these are our exclusive memories.


from the very start that we got in touch of this event major, it just like a door toan amazing world was opened, and in this world, it has countless possibilities.under the guidance of our experienced professional teachers from both china and germany, we started to explore, to roam and even to put the knowledge into practice.still remember we tried to use body language naturally while communicating on our german professors’ classes, we tried to pick holes on the exhibition heldin sniec, and we learnt the modernity and professionalism of expo center as avenue from our own experience. furthermore, some of us got the chance to get involved in organizing and holding the campus beauty show or our graduation gala dinner under the instruction of our teachers. it allows us to take the advantage of our professional ideas to enrich our college life. at the sametime, as an iemser, besides the major, our event and tourism faculty also mustbe mentioned here. i believe that, as a student in our faculty, each of our graduates should have experienced the warm of this big family, whatever it’s the caring from the leaders or our instructor, the guidance from elder schoolmates,or the help from the faculty’s student union.


looking back on these four years, we were always changing and maturing, and we finally became the best ourselves step by step on this thorny road. but at this moment,we are standing at the crossing to say goodbye, the joy of graduation seems cannot cover our sadness and unwillingness to leave. i think graduates here aremostly feeling the same like me, unwilling to abandon the title of iemser, unwilling to be apart from dear teachers and friends, and unwilling to leave this very familiarcampus. however, time never slows its pace and waits for us due to our sadness.our college life has already finished, while the new challenge will start soon.the only thing we can do now is to turn our sorrow of parting into all the bestwishes. wish all our 2022 graduates can have a bright future! may our dearteachers will get everything goes well in your career and life! hope our eventand tourism faculty and suibe can develop better and better!


last but not least, i expect that all of our iemser 2022, wherever you go and whatever you do in the future, won’t forget our 10-year appointment!


happy graduation to all iemsers 2022!

and thank you, all of you!


尊敬的老師們、家長(zhǎng)們、親愛的同學(xué)們:esteemed members of the faculty, parents and dear students,大家上午好! 我是xx的家長(zhǎng),也是夢(mèng)沃第一屆家委會(huì)主席,非常高興能和孩子們一…


  • 中英文發(fā)言稿(2篇)
  • 中英文發(fā)言稿(2篇)2人關(guān)注

    尊敬的老師們、家長(zhǎng)們、親愛的同學(xué)們:esteemed members of the faculty, parents and dear students,大家上午好! 我是xx的家長(zhǎng),也是夢(mèng)沃第一屆家委會(huì)主席,非常高興能 ...[更多]

