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發(fā)布時間:2022-09-13 17:18:01 查看人數(shù):4


第1篇 給女朋友英文版道歉信



我覺得我很對不起你,有時,我想過要和你分手,感覺我配不上你,你成績 秀,溫柔,善良,漂亮。我呢?整天無所事事,你也說過要我好好學習,可我就是不聽你的 話,你知道嗎?一看到你和別的男生說話,我就生不如死,我也知道這樣是有點自私了,我 應該給你一點自己的空間的。 現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)初三了,再過一年,我們就要分離了,不知道到那時候,我們,還能在一 起嗎?你是不是會被別的男生搶走呢?我不知道, 我只知道我現(xiàn)在根本沒有讓你繼續(xù)和我在 一起的理由,是不是分手了你會更快樂呢?我只想讓你開心。

還記得以前我們每天晚上聊天到很晚,星期六都出去“干壞事” ,還別別人發(fā)現(xiàn),被老 師叫到辦公室去,現(xiàn)在想起來總感覺很傷心,每當看到你被別人說壞話,我心里真的很不好 受,可是我又能做什么呢?只能冷眼旁觀,看著你獨自承擔痛苦,我作為你的男朋友卻不能 保護你,讓你受欺負,不僅這樣,還沒有好好安慰你,害你流了那么多的眼淚,我不是一個 合格的男朋友,不能讓你開心。 在暑假的時候,我去了南寧,本來想留下來和你在一起的,但還是去了,去到后才后 悔,離開你是多么的痛苦,你說“南寧有很多的美女哦,記得帶回來給我看看哦!”我說: “好 啊! ”呵呵,又惹你生氣了! 你叫我查點激情的小說給你看,我卻查不到,那時你說: “我不想要那么笨的男朋友! ” 我知道,我是有點笨,沒你那么聰明,因為我的大腦很久沒用過了,都生銹了,所以你交代 的事情有些做不到,請原諒! 在學校呢,我老是色迷迷地盯著別的女生看,你說我對誰都色,其實不是的。我只是 想逗逗你而已,上課時還老是踢你的小屁屁,你回過頭來的樣子真的很可愛! 對了,我記得上個學期在上課的時候你老是喜歡鄙視我哦!看到你那兩只小手豎起中 指,我哭笑不得,一定又做了什么對不起你的事了! 這個學期你好像對我很冷淡。

為什么呢你老是和梁偉鵬說話, 一看到我就感到不舒服, 吃醋! 現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)決定了,我一定要好好努力,總有一天我會配得上你,成為你真正的男朋 友,和你永遠在一起,不管結果怎么樣,我都要試一試,最起碼我能為你奮斗,至于結果怎么樣,就看我的了!你能給我這個機會嗎?





琪琪是我最喜歡和最愛的小寶寶呢,我想和琪琪一直永遠的在一起,琪琪還是哥哥的美膩的媳婦,哥哥平時作為一個男人有時候理解不了琪琪的小腦瓜里想什么,以前一直不理解為什么說女人心海底針,直到和琪琪在一起。哥哥犯了很多的錯誤,但是琪琪總是能原諒我,我真得很內(nèi)疚,在此哥哥用非常誠懇的態(tài)度給琪琪寫的這份檢討書,并深刻的自我反省。 琪琪的內(nèi)心一直很脆弱和敏感,這是琪琪容易生氣的原因,哥哥有時候會讓你生氣和不開心,我現(xiàn)在都承認是我錯了,其實琪琪開心才是最重要的,因為你開心我才會開心。哥哥有時候不去找琪琪(巴結)是因為哥哥不知道怎么哄你開心,怕找了你以后你會變得更加不開心,哥哥真的很在意琪琪的每一個情緒,琪琪生氣了哥哥就會變得很著急,我會不知所措。我很害怕,害怕你離開我,因為我不知道我的世界少你會變成什么樣。哥哥現(xiàn)在知道了以后一定會巴結你去找你,不管任何情況,這一點我會牢牢記在心里的,琪琪我會好好的對待你,對你負責的,我會一直寵著你,我要娶我的小寶寶。










習慣是自小養(yǎng)成的,改掉這些弊病對我來說就像別人戒煙、戒酒一樣,但我已經(jīng)痛下決心要改掉那些缺點,并在我們發(fā)生矛盾時不再逃避,雖然我不太會哄人,但我會盡力去哄你的,寶貝! 我給自己定了期限,從現(xiàn)在起一個月內(nèi)調(diào)整自己的性格、說話方式以及對你的態(tài)度,看我的表現(xiàn)吧。我想做的更好!我想好好愛你,因為你在我心里很重要,你是我的唯一,我最在乎的就是你,我舍不得你,沒有你我的生活一片狼藉!




第2篇 給朋友英文道歉信

給朋友英文道歉信篇dear charlie,

kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this saturday as i have promised.

a major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in xiamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to accompany him there to negotiate about a new transaction. i have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decisionthis is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so i am afraid i cannot be present at the airport.

pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the accomplishment of your dream.

how i wish i could have the chance to share with you my personal feelings and suggestions before you are away! i hereby send you a gift to wish you good luck. please forgive me.


li ming


第3篇 朋友英文版道歉信

朋友英文版道歉信篇一dear miss nancy,

much to my regret i was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.

hoping to see you soon.

truly yours,


朋友英文版道歉信篇二dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong. as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you next.

sincerely yours,


朋友英文版道歉信篇三dear dr. m.c.(note: name of the editor),

i am terribly sorry to write this letter to you for my apology.

when i know about this affair, i was not too much startled and shocked, because after the student sent the same article to two of your magazines, i had found it from my e-mail massage. immediately i gave the student very serious criticizes.

anyhow, on the following day, the afm(note: name of the journal), one of the two magazines, gave the feedback response, saying that this article is rejected for some reasons. therefore, i took it for granted that there is no more problem of one paper for two magazines, and neglected apology. now i do realize this serious matter and feel absolutely sorry about that.

as for this irrecoverable thing, i am to blame. i was so careless with my students action. this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future. although the students distributing one article to two magazines is without my permission but only her own action, i do not want to escape from my responsibility as a teacher. in this regard, i am deeply disappointed and saddened. however, i wish this matter will teach my student a lesson.

lastly, i would like now to apologize to you for all the troubles and problems that have happened. i promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. i hope i can have your forgiveness, and please give me chances to contact with you in the future.

thank you for listening to what i have said.

sincerely yours,


第4篇 朋友英文道歉信


dear miss nancy,

much to my regret i was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.

hoping to see you soon.

truly yours,



dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong. as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you next.

sincerely yours,



dear dr. m.c.(note: name of the editor),

i am terribly sorry to write this letter to you for my apology.

when i know about this affair, i was not too much startled and shocked, because after the student sent the same article to two of your magazines, i had found it from my e-mail massage. immediately i gave the student very serious criticizes.

anyhow, on the following day, the afm(note: name of the journal), one of the two magazines, gave the feedback response, saying that this article is rejected for some reasons. therefore, i took it for granted that there is no more problem of one paper for two magazines, and neglected apology. now i do realize this serious matter and feel absolutely sorry about that.

as for this irrecoverable thing, i am to blame. i was so careless with my students action. this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future. although the students distributing one article to two magazines is without my permission but only her own action, i do not want to escape from my responsibility as a teacher. in this regard, i am deeply disappointed and saddened. however, i wish this matter will teach my student a lesson.

lastly, i would like now to apologize to you for all the troubles and problems that have happened. i promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. i hope i can have your forgiveness, and please give me chances to contact with you in the future.

thank you for listening to what i have said.

sincerely yours,



dear ,

i would like to express my apologies for i was out when you came to see me yesterday afternoon. the fact is that i had an engagement to ignorant of your visit,. you must have been disappointed by my absence. as this is the first time you come to beijing, would you please let me know when you are free and i will meet you at the appointed time.

yours faithfully, (your name)


dear mary,

i am very sorry that i can not take part in your party . it is pity to me because of my emercy thing need to be dealt with . i hope you will have one good time for the party . i really love you ! please give my regards to our friends !if possible ,please do not forget to inform me if you have the party next time . i shall come to it on time. if i could do something for your party ,please feel free to contact me . that would be my pleasure. above all , i apologize again for my absence from the party ! good luck to you all !

yours truly, ellen


dear miss nancy,

much to my regret i was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.

hoping to see you soon.

truly yours,



dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong. as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you next.

sincerely yours,



dear dr. m.c.(note: name of the editor),

i am terribly sorry to write this letter to you for my apology.

when i know about this affair, i was not too much startled and shocked, because after the student sent the same article to two of your magazines, i had found it from my e-mail massage. immediately i gave the student very serious criticizes.

anyhow, on the following day, the afm(note: name of the journal), one of the two magazines, gave the feedback response, saying that this article is rejected for some reasons. therefore, i took it for granted that there is no more problem of one paper for two magazines, and neglected apology. now i do realize this serious matter and feel absolutely sorry about that.

as for this irrecoverable thing, i am to blame. i was so careless with my students action. this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future. although the students distributing one article to two magazines is without my permission but only her own action, i do not want to escape from my responsibility as a teacher. in this regard, i am deeply disappointed and saddened. however, i wish this matter will teach my student a lesson.

lastly, i would like now to apologize to you for all the troubles and problems that have happened. i promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. i hope i can have your forgiveness, and please give me chances to contact with you in the future.

thank you for listening to what i have said.

sincerely yours,



dear ,

i would like to express my apologies for i was out when you came to see me yesterday afternoon. the fact is that i had an engagement to ignorant of your visit,. you must have been disappointed by my absence. as this is the first time you come to beijing, would you please let me know when you are free and i will meet you at the appointed time.

yours faithfully, (your name)


dear mary,

i am very sorry that i can not take part in your party . it is pity to me because of my emercy thing need to be dealt with . i hope you will have one good time for the party . i really love you ! please give my regards to our friends !if possible ,please do not forget to inform me if you have the party next time . i shall come to it on time. if i could do something for your party ,please feel free to contact me . that would be my pleasure. above all , i apologize again for my absence from the party ! good luck to you all !

yours truly, ellen




  • 朋友英文道歉信(4篇)
  • 朋友英文道歉信(4篇)4人關注

    女朋友吃醋了,那可是很大一件事哦,趕緊寫封令人感動的道歉信吧,哄回女朋友。下面是小編為大家整理的給女朋友英文版道歉信,希望對大家有幫助。給女朋友英文版道歉信篇 ...[更多]

