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更新時間:2024-05-18 查看人數:62





1. 專業(yè)素養(yǎng):急診崗位人員必須具備扎實的醫(yī)學知識,包括但不限于基礎生命支持、高級生命支持及各類急癥的初步處理。

2. 快速反應:面對突發(fā)狀況,能夠迅速評估病情,制定并執(zhí)行急救方案。

3. 團隊協(xié)作:與醫(yī)生、護士和其他醫(yī)療人員緊密合作,確保患者得到全方位的照護。

4. 溝通能力:有效地與患者及其家屬溝通,解釋病情和治療計劃,緩解其緊張情緒。

5. 法規(guī)遵守:嚴格遵守醫(yī)療法規(guī)和職業(yè)道德,保護患者的隱私和權益。




1. 緊急醫(yī)療響應:對各種急癥如心臟病發(fā)作、車禍傷、中毒等情況進行即時救治。

2. 初步診斷:依據癥狀和檢查結果,初步判斷疾病性質和嚴重程度。

3. 治療計劃實施:根據診斷結果,執(zhí)行醫(yī)生的治療指示,可能包括藥物治療、手術準備等。

4. 患者監(jiān)護:監(jiān)測患者的生命體征,及時調整治療策略以應對病情變化。

5. 家屬溝通:向患者家屬通報病情,解釋治療過程和預期結果,處理家屬的情緒問題。

6. 記錄與報告:準確記錄患者的病歷信息,填寫相關醫(yī)療表格,必要時向上級匯報病情進展。

7. 危機管理:在資源有限或突發(fā)情況時,合理分配醫(yī)療資源,確保急救工作的順利進行。

8. 培訓與教育:參與定期的醫(yī)療技能訓練,保持專業(yè)知識的更新,同時對新入職人員進行急救知識的培訓。



第1篇 急診科醫(yī)師崗位職責

急診科醫(yī)師 1、年齡35歲以下,本科或以上學歷,臨床醫(yī)學或急救醫(yī)學專業(yè);



4、有廣東省內二甲及以上醫(yī)院從事急救醫(yī)學工作經驗優(yōu)先。 1、年齡35歲以下,本科或以上學歷,臨床醫(yī)學或急救醫(yī)學專業(yè);




第2篇 急診崗位職責

急診科醫(yī)師 具備二甲以上綜合醫(yī)院急診科工作經驗,熟練掌握120急救流程,能夠分析心電圖、胸片,能熟練使用各類常見搶救設備和器材。 具備二甲以上綜合醫(yī)院急診科工作經驗,熟練掌握120急救流程,能夠分析心電圖、胸片,能熟練使用各類常見搶救設備和器材。

第3篇 急診醫(yī)生崗位職責

急診科醫(yī)生 從都國際生命健康管理有限公司分支機構 從都國際生命健康管理有限公司分支機構 職責描述:

1. 根據病人情況,制定詳細的治療方案,并向病人解釋病情與治療方案。

2. 根據醫(yī)院需求規(guī)范書寫病例與處方,認真執(zhí)行各項規(guī)章制度與常規(guī)操作。

3. 進行急診科的接診、檢診、診斷、急救工作。

4. 負責留觀病房的觀察與記錄工作。

5. 完成上級交代的任務。


1. 本科及以上學歷,主治醫(yī)師及以上職稱。

2. 5年以上相關工作經驗,具備相關執(zhí)業(yè)資格證。

3. 工作認真負責,團隊協(xié)作能力強,溝通理解能力強。

4. 英語能力良好、形象良好者優(yōu)先。

5. 二甲以上或大型民營醫(yī)院工作經歷優(yōu)先。

第4篇 急診科醫(yī)生崗位職責

急診科醫(yī)生 從都國際生命健康管理有限公司分支機構 從都國際生命健康管理有限公司分支機構 職責描述:

1. 根據病人情況,制定詳細的治療方案,并向病人解釋病情與治療方案。

2. 根據醫(yī)院需求規(guī)范書寫病例與處方,認真執(zhí)行各項規(guī)章制度與常規(guī)操作。

3. 進行急診科的接診、檢診、診斷、急救工作。

4. 負責留觀病房的觀察與記錄工作。

5. 完成上級交代的任務。


1. 本科及以上學歷,主治醫(yī)師及以上職稱。

2. 5年以上相關工作經驗,具備相關執(zhí)業(yè)資格證。

3. 工作認真負責,團隊協(xié)作能力強,溝通理解能力強。

4. 英語能力良好、形象良好者優(yōu)先。

5. 二甲以上或大型民營醫(yī)院工作經歷優(yōu)先。

第5篇 急診科主治醫(yī)師崗位職責

急診科主治醫(yī)師 京東方健康投資管理有限公司 京東方健康投資管理有限公司,京東方健康醫(yī)療,京東方 職責描述:













第6篇 急診科副主任崗位職責

急診科副主任醫(yī)師 曲陽醫(yī)院 上海曲陽醫(yī)院,曲陽醫(yī)院 任職資格:

? 臨床醫(yī)學專業(yè),大學本科(含)以上學歷;

? 副主任醫(yī)師(含)以上職稱;

? 二甲以上綜合性醫(yī)院工作10年以上;

? 年齡35-45歲;


? 熟練掌握各種常見急性疾病的臨床表現(xiàn)、鑒別診斷和治療方法;

? 能勝任急診科常見搶救及診治;

? 擅長內、外科急診病例和危重病人的搶救;

? “三基”扎實,能夠做好帶教工作;

? 心理素質好,反應敏捷,忙而不亂;

? 能正確處理好醫(yī)患關系,有良好的人際溝通能力;

? 能和相關科室密切合作,有良好的團隊合作能力;

? 密切關注本專業(yè)最新進展情況,有良好的學習能力。

第7篇 急診科護士崗位職責

er/icu nurse 急診科護士 - shanghai pudong上海浦東 上海和睦家新城醫(yī)院有限公司(分支機構) 上海和睦家新城醫(yī)院有限公司(分支機構) 職責描述:

carry out the policies and procedures of the hospital. provide quality of care to all patients, coordinate between relevant staff, and accomplish assigned tasks by head nurse and/or assistant head nurse in er/icu.


1. minimal education requirement—above college degree in nursing

2. minimal e_perience requirement---4 years working e_perience in nursing

3. licensing needed—registered nurse license in china

4. adequate communication skills in english and chinese

5. adequate nursing skills based on clinical needs

6. demonstrates e_cellent nursing skills in required e_pertise

7. bcls within 3 months

8. e_perience at er/icu/ccu/nicu etc is a plus

第8篇 急診護士崗位職責

急診外科護士 summary:

n preceptor, mentor for junior nurses and to provide personalized, specialized and cost effective care to the patient in accordance to established clinic policies and procedures.

n assist team leader to provide the highest standard of patient-centered care.

essential tasks:

n assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic

n document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome

n carry out investigation and treatment prescribed by the physician

n communicate and discuss patient’s response to treatment and progress with physician and nursing colleagues assigned to patient

n participate actively in physician’s round.

n prepare and assist physician with procedures.

n collaborate and co-operate with physicians and other health care providers in the smooth delivery of patient care and service.

n follow - up to ensure continuity of patient care and treatment plan.

n provide patient / family information and education on disease prevention, process and rehabilitation.

n manage comple_ patient care.

n maintain and care in the use of the equipment and supplies.

n act as a resource person.

knowledge, skills, and abilities:

n be adaptable and fle_ible in managing clinical situations. begins to take clinically sound risks.

n develop and value collaborative relationships with patients and families.

n recognize needs and advocate for patient based on knowledge gained through clinical e_perience which allows the nurse to anticipate what the patient will need.

n through the ongoing e_perience of caring for patients and families, recognize patterns that refine and influence future practice.

n recognize the cultural differences need to be considered in developing nurse-patient relationships.

n elicit cultural beliefs and values from patients and integrate these into overall patient management effectively

n at least 2 years working e_periences in fm out-patient clinic

decision-making and analytical skills:

n provide guidance and orientation to nursing staff assigned to the unit.

n facilitate the smooth running of the department

n demonstrate good interpersonal skills with the public and staff

n assume additional responsibilities as assigned by supervisors

n demonstrate awareness of current nursing and health care practices summary:

n preceptor, mentor for junior nurses and to provide personalized, specialized and cost effective care to the patient in accordance to established clinic policies and procedures.

n assist team leader to provide the highest standard of patient-centered care.

essential tasks:

n assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic

n document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome

n carry out investigation and treatment prescribed by the physician

n communicate and discuss patient’s response to treatment and progress with physician and nursing colleagues assigned to patient

n participate actively in physician’s round.

n prepare and assist physician with procedures.

n collaborate and co-operate with physicians and other health care providers in the smooth delivery of patient care and service.

n follow - up to ensure continuity of patient care and treatment plan.

n provide patient / family information and education on disease prevention, process and rehabilitation.

n manage comple_ patient care.

n maintain and care in the use of the equipment and supplies.

n act as a resource person.

knowledge, skills, and abilities:

n be adaptable and fle_ible in managing clinical situations. begins to take clinically sound risks.

n develop and value collaborative relationships with patients and families.

n recognize needs and advocate for patient based on knowledge gained through clinical e_perience which allows the nurse to anticipate what the patient will need.

n through the ongoing e_perience of caring for patients and families, recognize patterns that refine and influence future practice.

n recognize the cultural differences need to be considered in developing nurse-patient relationships.

n elicit cultural beliefs and values from patients and integrate these into overall patient management effectively

n at least 2 years working e_periences in fm out-patient clinic

decision-making and analytical skills:

n provide guidance and orientation to nursing staff assigned to the unit.

n facilitate the smooth running of the department

n demonstrate good interpersonal skills with the public and staff

n assume additional responsibilities as assigned by supervisors

n demonstrate awareness of current nursing and health care practices




  • 急診科崗位職責15篇
  • 急診科崗位職責15篇99人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診科崗位是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的部分,負責處理各種突發(fā)疾病和意外傷害的緊急救治工作。這一崗位的工作人員需具備迅速、準確的臨床判斷能力,以及在 ...[更多]

  • 急診科崗位職責匯編(5篇)
  • 急診科崗位職責匯編(5篇)98人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診科崗位是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的部分,負責處理各種突發(fā)疾病和意外傷害的緊急救治工作。這一崗位的工作人員需具備迅速、準確的臨床判斷能力,以及在 ...[更多]

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  • 急診崗位職責20篇97人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診崗位職責是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的部分,主要負責處理各類緊急醫(yī)療事件,為患者提供即時、高效的生命支持和初步治療。這一角色需要在高壓環(huán)境下迅速 ...[更多]

  • 急診崗位職責崗位職責匯編(8篇)
  • 急診崗位職責崗位職責匯編(8篇)97人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診崗位是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的組成部分,負責對各類急重癥患者進行初步診斷和緊急救治,確保生命安全,并為后續(xù)的治療做好準備。崗位職責要求1.快速反 ...[更多]

  • 急診科護士崗位職責4篇
  • 急診科護士崗位職責4篇96人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診科護士是醫(yī)療體系中至關重要的一環(huán),他們在緊急醫(yī)療事件中扮演著關鍵角色,為患者提供及時、高效的生命支持和護理服務。崗位職責要求1.具備扎實的 ...[更多]

  • 急診護士崗位職責6篇
  • 急診護士崗位職責6篇90人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診護士是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的角色,他們主要負責在緊急情況下為患者提供快速、專業(yè)的護理服務,確保病患的生命安全與健康。崗位職責要求1.緊急響應 ...[更多]

  • 崗位職責急診科匯編(5篇)
  • 崗位職責急診科匯編(5篇)85人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診科是一個醫(yī)療機構的核心部門,負責處理各類突發(fā)疾病和意外傷害,為患者提供即時、有效的醫(yī)療救治。急診科醫(yī)生是這個團隊的領導者,他們的職責不僅是 ...[更多]

  • 急診醫(yī)生崗位職責
  • 急診醫(yī)生崗位職責77人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診醫(yī)生是醫(yī)療機構中關鍵的一環(huán),他們在緊急醫(yī)療狀況下,負責迅速、準確地診斷和治療患者,以挽救生命和穩(wěn)定病情。崗位職責要求1.具備扎實的醫(yī)學理論知 ...[更多]

  • 急診護士崗位職責
  • 急診護士崗位職責75人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診護士是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的角色,他們主要負責在緊急情況下為患者提供快速、專業(yè)的護理服務,確保病患的生命安全與健康。崗位職責要求1.緊急響應 ...[更多]

  • 急診崗位職責匯編(8篇)
  • 急診崗位職責匯編(8篇)62人關注

    崗位職責是什么急診崗位職責是醫(yī)療機構中至關重要的部分,主要負責處理各類緊急醫(yī)療事件,為患者提供即時、高效的生命支持和初步治療。這一角色需要在高壓環(huán)境下迅速 ...[更多]
